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We have a vast database of celebrity entertainers that are available for events and after dinner speaking - whether live or virtual.


There is nothing quite like a legendary headliner to make your event go with a swing. Why not choose from our list of top comedians, impressionists, magicians, tribute bands and musicians or if an entertaining after dinner speaker is more what you had in mind, we can offer a wide variety of actors and actresses from television, theatre and film, reality stars and sporting personalities all with a wealth of experiences and hilarious anecdotes to impart.

In fact, we can offer some of the most sought-after acts and entertainers to wow any audience at any event from major awards ceremonies, prestigious galas and black-tie dinners to private parties, weddings and festivals. No event is too big or too small.

Want something a little different? Then take a look at our speciality acts providing the unusual, unique and imaginative from stilt walkers and acrobats to living tables, balloon artists, singing waiters, living statues, event paparazzi, ventriloquists and more.

Contact our friendly experienced team in complete confidence to discuss your needs and budget.



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